Become An EFT Practitioner

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or “Tapping” is a surprisingly simple and effective way of helping almost anyone with almost anything.

  • Learn how to rapidly clear anxiety, neutralize traumatic memories, erase addictive cravings and address physical conditions like allergies, pain, fibromyalgia, etc. by releasing their emotional contributors.

  • If you’ve heard great things about “tapping” and want to learn it from a professional Trainer, our Level 1 will give you a solid foundation to experience these amazing results for yourself and offer them to your clients, friends or love one.

  • Learn all the tools you need to start your own EFT practice, either online or face to face.

EFT Level 1

More information about what you will learn on EFT Level 1

  • What is EFT and what makes it so effective?

  • The Basic Recipe and the 9 Gamut Procedure

  • Knowing what to say

  • Being Specific and Focusing on the Negative

  • Aspects

  • Secondary Gain

  • Understanding Emotional Trauma

  • The Tell a Story Technique

  • Cravings and Addictions

  • Protocols for Physical Issues

  • What to do when EFT isn’t working

  • The Personal Peace Procedure

EFT Level 2

More information about what you will learn on EFT Level 2

  • Techniques for Severe Distress and Overwhelm

  • EFT for Limiting Beliefs

  • Ethics

  • Finding Core Beliefs and Core Issues

  • Phone, Zoom, FaceTime & Skype Sessions

  • Delivering EFT in Groups

  • Working with Children

  • Surrogate Tapping

  • EFT for Relationships

  • Making Affirmations Work with EFT

  • Using Reframes

  • Standards and Best Practices for Professional Practitioners

The EFT Level 1 & 2 Courses are hosted Live on Zoom

  • These workshops are designed to train professional EFT practitioners.

  • This workshop will help you develop your intuition, experience real confidence.

  • They can be taken by anyone seeking personal growth & transformation. 

  • Release your own blocks to success and deeply ground yourself in using EFT.

This is NOT a dry, academic training:


It is fun and fast paced, with exercises, practice sessions and live demonstrations. There will plenty of opportunity to work through your own issues. You’ll enjoy powerful growth experiences that give you the skills and confidence you need to be a successful practitioner.

Choose Your Plan Below!

You will receive a certificate of completion when our weekend is complete,

and will be able to start tapping for yourself, your family, and with clients right away!

EFT Level 1


One Time Payment

Access to a membership area with training materials.


If signing up at least 30 days before, check out discount codes below

EFT Level 2



One Time Payment

Certificate on completion.

EFT Level 1 & 2 


One Time Payment

Certificate on completion.

“I am so grateful for this course and learning EFT from Steph. I took EFT Level 1 & 2 in May 2020 via Zoom. I enjoyed learning the history of the technique, how it evolved, its relation to TCM, meridian points, and the psychology as well. It was very useful to learn the techniques and have the opportunity to practice as a practitioner, client, and observer. I have already suggested this course to many other MFT’s and love the simplicity and effectiveness of EFT.  It is easy, non invasive, and fun, yet it has the potential for profound shifts. This is a great tool for self empowerment along one's healing journey. EFT is a great tool for better self awareness and to integrate past experiences, as well as 'hack' old belief systems getting in the way of living a more fulfilling life.”

Sonni M. 

Licensed MFT & Certified EFT & Hacking Reality Practitioner 

"Steph Dodds is one of the most compassionate, authentic, and caring former students that I had the pleasure of teaching as a high school teacher, over twenty years ago. I have watched Steph personally develop into a powerhouse of a healer and teacher in her own right.


If you are ready to let go of negative experiences, or old emotional wounds that no longer serve you, then Steph’s EFT sessions are truly life changing. With her warm, compassionate manner and intuitive insight, Steph’s EFT will heal you in a transformational, fast tracked way. Steph’s skilfully guided EFT session will allow you to let go of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual baggage, and have the inner peace you have always desired, but never knew how to attain.


I have personally observed the profound effects Steph’s EFT has had on people. I had no idea just how powerful EFT could be for healing old traumatic experiences, until I took EFT Level 1 & 2 training with her. I thought I had dealt with the trauma of a previous car accident 15 years ago. During the training session, Steph masterfully guided me through an EFT session to address any unresolved issues related to the accident, and before I knew it, I was releasing an even deeper level of the trauma that I didn’t know still existed in my body, mind, and spirit. The EFT healing experience was profoundly moving, and liberated me from unconsciously holding the residue from the original trauma, and was literally achieved in well under an hour. 


Steph’s personal mission is to be of healing and teaching service on behalf of others. I literally trust Steph with my life. Whether you have an EFT healing session with her, or take her EFT trainings, you will not regret the time and money you invest in your own life, for you will personally and professionally reap the benefits many times over."

Jana D.

Shamanic Healing Practitioner/ Director Tao Center for Healing 

I thought EFT Level 1 training was fantastic. Right after completion, I took the leap and tapped with a young man the next afternoon and the session was successful. Steph is a brilliant teacher and I look forward to our next training together.


Kim H. 

Licensed MFT

Steph is a fantastic teacher. I took her EFT Level 1 workshop virtually for two days and she delivered with an amazing presence and pacing. When learning the technique for the first time, practicing with others was challenging, but a fantastic way to learn. I feel confident doing EFT with clients after only 2 days of training.

Susie M

Fitness Trainer & Massage Therapist  

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions, if you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to me by using any of the contact me buttons on the site.

Does completing EFT Level 1 & 2 mean I am a certified practitioner? 

Will we learn Matrix Reimprinting & Hacking Reality? 

Who is this training for? 

I cannot make these dates, when else do you offer this course? 

Choose Your Plan Below!

You will receive a certificate of completion when our weekend is complete,

and will be able to start tapping for yourself, your family, and with clients right away!

EFT Level 1


One Time Payment

Certificate on completion.

Access to a membership area with training materials.


If signing up at least 30 days before, check out discount codes below

EFT Level 2



One Time Payment

Certificate on completion.

Access to a membership area with training materials.


If signing up at least 30 days before, check out discount codes below

EFT Level 1 & 2 


One Time Payment

Certificate on completion.